Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Guatemala Eyeglass Mission Trip Fundraising

In August I will be traveling with a team of eleven people from Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church to Guatemala for a mission trip to provide eyeglasses and the Gospel to villagers in remote mountain and valleys. We will be trained by MOST Ministries in how to measure eyesight and how to fit the glasses to each person. Many of the people we will meet have never had glasses. They will be seeing the world in a completely new light. We also hope to bring the light of Christ to them, many of whom have not heard of  Jesus, or have reverted to the Mayan religious customs and beliefs of their ancestors.

Each team member is helping to raise funds for the travel expenses by participating in group and individual fund raising. I have learned from Pastor Ada and Schultz that fund raising is not just a pragmatic way to pay for church activities, but a way to involve the whole congregation and those outside the congregation with the mission, to give them ownership and to share with them the blessings of serving our neighbors and God. 

We learned of a web site that helps individuals and groups raise money for projects. Through their site I have created a web page to allow donors to contribute to help with my expenses for the trip. My site is at There you may use a credit card or PayPal to contribute to my Paypal account and keep up to date on my training and preparation for the trip. Or you may simply click on the widget on the right that says "Give." It will connect you to Fundrazr. com and PayPal.

I am so excited about going on my first foreign mission trip. I pray that God bless the people involved in planning, supporting and executing the trip. Tomorrow I get my shots at the Walgreen clinic. I'll try not to wince. 

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