Monday, January 21, 2013

Practice Videos for Choir

These Youtube videos are for practicing the different voices in Credo, a piece for choir that I wrote for the adult choir at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Olathe, Kansas under the direction of Leigh Frith. The score playback uses a generic "choral" synthesizer sound without words. If there is a repeated note the synthesizer does not rearticulate the note, but plays it as if it were tied to the note before it. For instance, if there are four quarter notes in a row on middle C, the program plays it back as one long whole note. Also, the moving vertical line lags a beat behind the music being played. Ignore it if you can.

I hope this helps with learning the parts. The accelerandos and ritardandos are approximate only. The tempi are close, though. I'm still learning the program, Sibelius First, which, by the way, is a terrific notation software. Soli Deo Gloria.

For best viewing of all videos, press the "play" arrow, select full screen and either 480p or 720p HD with the  buttons in the bottom right hand corner of the full frame. 

The first video is with all parts equal.

The video below emphasizes the soprano voice.    

The video below is for altos.

The one below is for the tenors.

And the one below is for the basses.